Saturday night I had the great pleasure of performing as the opening act for
the very talented Michael Smith at Steve Dulson's Living Tradition's Concert
Series. What a class act Steve & Michele have going on in Anaheim. Anyone in
the vacinity should try & make it to one of these concerts as they have some
really fabulous folk artists headlining. (& some very lucky opening acts,

The concert is held in a beautiful newish community center & the sound is
incredible. It was really wonderful to get to see Steve & Michelle again.
This week they are off to Florida to the Folk Alliance to scout out
potential new talent for their series. The audience was so wonderful  &
really listened to the songs...Micheal Smith is such a great songwriter &
entertainer. Steve was really pleased with the turnout- about 120 people!
What a great week it has been, seeing some of my jmdl friends on both

Kate Bennett
sponsored by Polysonics
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