<< A friend sent me a tape with some great stuff on it, including some very 
 early Joni stuff -- a really giggly "Coke Commercial" thingy that apparently 
 (with different words) became Ballerina Valerie, or did BV precede the Coke 
 Commercial version?>>

The way I hear it, she already had the song in her repitoire (sp) and adapted 
it with the Coke stuff just for a laugh and a fun show piece.
<< Another thing on the tape was "Winter Lady", which she wrote from the 
 of view of a man -- which makes me wonder, did she write it for Chuck 
 (Mitchell, her brief husband), or for Gordon Lightfoot, who I believe was 
 their roommate for a while in Tornto or Detroit, I forget.  I would swear in 
 this version from '67, she sings sort of like Gordy, same vibrato and 
 phrasing.  Just wondering if anyone knows -- did he ever sign a version of 
 this song, say in performance?  For that matter, did he or any man ever 
 record the song?>>

The only other recording I've heard is our own Gary Zack's. I've always found 
it interesting that Leonard Cohen also had a song titled "Winter Lady". I 
don't think she wrote it specifically for any one male voice, I think she 
hoped that many would record it and get her the "royalty pennies" she talks 
of on the tape.
 << Anyway, pity 
 Joni didn't put the demo version on TtT.  It's just better.  IMHO.  >>

In everyone's opinion, I think...I like the TTT version all right but the 
GOMH version is a stunner.


NP: Something Extra, "A Case Of You"

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