last Friday, 22/02/02, Laurent wrote:
 >Ryan plays through a vintage Vox AC30 cranked up really loud (ear plugs 
 >are recommended).  So does the 3rd guitarist/pedal steel/mandolin who is
 >the best player of the band.  I don't know his name but he has a 
 >physical resemblance to Fred Tackett of Little Feat.   
 >  ...cut...
 >There's no question the guy is a star, a young Bob Dylan sums it up 
   I saw Ryan Adams here in Melbourne last month and was impressed by his
   guitarist/pedal steel/mandolin player, not realising at first that the
   guy was Bucky Baxter who has toured and recorded with Bob Dylan's band.
   As for Adams' performance, I was surprised at how rock-and-roll he was.
   Not the sensitive singer-songwriter type at all. And not sounding all
   that much like he does on Heartbreaker or Gold. More like early 70's
   Rolling Stones. Very garagey.
   It was not Adams' music, however, that made an impression in Australia,
   but his behaviour. He is a genuine pratt !
   During his Melbourne concert, some joker in the crowd called out,
   "Play 'Summer of 69'! "   (ie the Bryan Adams hit).
   Adams went right off his head.  He stopped the show,
   insisting the culprit should be identified and thrown out of the hall. 
   At one  interview he would only talk from inside a cupboard. Later, after
   reading a bad review of Gold in a local magazine, he issued a challenge
   to the reviewer, threatening to personally 'kick his ass'.
   His spoilt brattish behaviour went on and on, and subsequently he became
   the boy the local press loved to hate.
   Nevertheless I've gotta agree with Laurent and JMDLers who reckon Adams is 
   a talented star.
   read about his tour antics at:

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