> I join you in sentimental sopdom Kakki...
Make that a me three! Funny, I still dream of standing
on that podium (although I think curling is about my
only hope at this point...). Pardon me for sharing
this, but I still recall winning a big sailing trophy
and driving into the parking lot of the home sailing
club, holding the trophy out the window for all to see.
Gotta say, it was great! So I can only imagine...

> I was in tears watching Sasha Cohen 
oh, well, I'm not much of a Sasha fan - but then maybe
I know too much...

> again when Sarah Hughes skated the long program...&
wonder of wonders got
> the gold! 
I've been watching skating for about 40 years and I
gotta say, the judges FINALLY did something right!
(after *&#^$ing up royally the previous week. For those
of you who wonder, the Canadians truly deserved to win.
 For the life of me, I (and everyone else I know who
skates) can't understand what the commentators were
talking about when they said the Russians' program was
more difficult. Nope, sorry, not true. The programs
were exactly equal - and the Canadian pair didn't make
the mistake that the Russian pair did. End of story.

btw, did any of you catch the pre-Closing ceremonies
program on Peggy Fleming and Dorothy Hamill? I still
can't watch them dousing the flames from the 1961 crash
without crying. I remember the crash - even though I
was very young. Boston was the U.S. center for figure
skating until that plane went down. And it's why I took
lessons - as a direct result of the Memorial Fund. The
SC of Boston has never and probably will never produce
another champion. And we had so many... oh sigh

lots of love

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