Well, its now past my offical birthday time (10:05 pm) so I am one year
older now. What an amazing gift to receive so many birthday greetings from
so many jmdlers! It is truly a unique group we have here...it started with
joni but truly goes so much further & deeper than that.

I had a regular Tuesday day, with periodic calls from family & friends &
then Jeff & I went out to a nice dinner to a place that I had never been to.
I had a fish I had never heard of before called Char...they said it was from
Canada & it was delicious (like Salmon). I had wine, champagne & the most
decadent chocolate truffle that was melty inside! Yum.

Time to check out that ornery Ryan Adams on Leno...(Did anyone go to his
show in LA last night?)

Love, Kate

Kate Bennett
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