Hi Gang!
    I am a week behind, but I just clicked on a digest and saw a little
Grammy talk, and had to weigh in (I hope this hasn't been beaten to
death or posted already).  First, I missed the first half, but the part
I did see -- whoa, mama!  I have sadly come to the conclusion that I
am.... old.  Yes, old.  I just don't get it.  Now I know what my parents
thought when I was having this freak-out about seeing the Human League
20 years ago on the Grammys, and what anyone over 18 was thinking back
when I was freaking out over all the 80's shit that I still love so
much.  I just ain't buying it with these people and their little dance
routines.  Alicia Keys, well, I've always dug her, in part because
(don't freak out) Fallen always has somehow, and I don't know why,
reminded me of Sam Philips' "Stop" (can't explain why), and I love both
songs.  So, when she sang I was into it, and then boom, she starts doing
this tango thing, and I am lying there saying "WTF is this shit?" and
the evening went downhill from there.  And I am sorry, proud Canadian
that I am, but I would love to just kick lil' Nellie in the arse because
she is so annoying and full of herself (but I do love that "Turn out the
Lights" song). Ugh, she's annoying as all hell.  And then, to top it all
off, Dylan comes on, and OMG, I am so sorry, but what the hell was
that?  Might as well have been singing Chinese folk songs backwards for
all I could understand... Good Lord, nobody can make fun of my love for
industrial music ever again who liked that....Bring back Soybomb!
And I *was* liking Outkast until that performance... what the hell was
Ok, there, I've done my old person bitching... ahhhh... gotta get back
to bed, I need a mustard plaster for the rheumatize....

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