What alarms me is that the years are getting shorter, not longer, so in what
*kind* of blink of an eye will we all be looking back over 2002 - 2030 ?????

As in "1974 was 56 years ago?? How can it be?  Where has it gone?  Is that
all there is?"

Frightening may be a good word to use.

Anyway, "blonde in the bleachers" asked,
>>Also did Bob Dylan look like a stuffed wax dummy with a
lot of bad make-up on or is it just my imagination?>>


Jerry said,
>>It is a great read, Bob. But all I could say was My God, was it really 28
years ago? And then wonder about all those people I was close with then. We
must have put this record on every night for a year when we got


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