Hi, Bob (Muller, aka SCJoniGuy) and all,

Still thrilled with all the new discoveries from your recent mailing (and my 
life is in chaos at the moment, so the glow of contentment they provide is 
especially well-timed and appreciated), but the best one, I discovered by 
accident (caught it as I was dozing off -- it wasn't written on the CD 
cover).  Most of the jmdl veterans surely know about this strikingly 
different version of one of Joni's best.   It was hidden at the tail end of a 
CD (and as i said, not marked).  In any case, for those of us who are more 
recent members, check out these lyrics to an (early?/work in progress?) 
version of A Case Of You:

Just before our ship got lost, you said,
"I am as constant as the Northern Star" 
"You're silly as a northern fish," says I,
"If you want me I'll be at the bar."
On the back of a cartoon coaster pad
That didn't make me laugh at all
I drew a map of Canada
Oh, Canada!
And I charted our last squall.

[Love all the nautical references!!! -- W]

(Chorus is more or less the same as the "standard" version.)

Oh, I am a lonely painter
I live in a box of paints
I'm frightened by the devil
And scared to death by saints.

(Continues the same as standard until the last line of this verse:)

Part of you pours out of me
In black and red design.

[W -- Why black and red?  Black is the color of notes written out, I suppose, 
and red is the color of blood -- but is there a nautical reference here, too?]

(The rest of the song is pretty much the same as the standard again.)

In addition to the changes in lyrics, some of the melody is changed, e.g., 
the line
"That didn't make me laugh at all..."
sort of drops down lower, more melancholy to my ears, than in the standard 
"in the blue TV screen light"

What can I say -- this is the kind of thing a joniphile lives for -- thank 
you, Bob!



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