The "Time Almanac 2002 with Information Please(R)" has a section called 
"America's Best." In various categories of arts and entertainments, an 
individual is proclaimed the best in the category by someone who can 
reasonably be deemed an expert in the category. Apparently, by "America" is 
understood "the United States of America," and, as far as I know, all the 
winners are U.S. citizens. If my interpretation is correct, Joni isn't 
eligible. I would say I am agnostic about the nominees. What do other 
jmdlers think about ...

America's Best Songwriter: Lucinda Williams, squib by Emmylou Harris.

America's Best Singer: Cassandra Wilson, squib by Stanley Crouch.

America's Best Rock Band: Sleater-Kinney, squib by Greil Marcus.

America's Best Artist: Martin Puryear, squib by Robert Hughes.

America's Best Fashion Designer: Tom Ford, squib by Belinda Luscombe.

There are 21 categories in all.

Best to all.

Tim spong
Dover, Del., U.S.A.

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