Hi Gang,
    Just catching up again and wanted to comment about Lori's comment:

> I'd like to think she was really in love with Ellen, and maybe she was, but it 
>smacks of something more like a really bad publicity stunt.  Of course this leaves me 
>wondering about Julie Cypher (former partner of Melissa Etheridge), too ...
Anne I see as a gold-digging, hateful, nutjob freak, and I thought this
long before she was with Ellen.  I remember her from her teen years on
Another World (which, I swear, was probably THE most popular show in
Saskatchewan -- I remember seeing bar bands play the theme song, but
that's a whole other ball of freakdom), and she was a cold, calculating
brat back then too.  I also read the book her sister wrote about their
father, and knew something was off with her from the book.  Ellen can do
much better!  But anyway, I'm sidetracked -- Oh yeah, Julie -- I don't
think Julie as another Anne-type, simply because she hooked up with
Melissa when she was still relatively unknown and in the closet.  And
holy shit, did anyone read Melissa's book and see the part about Julie
and kd?  Anyway, just had to weigh in about Julie, because while she's
obviously "confused" or however she put it, she ain't no anne.  Ah,
bless that poor Heche baby -- he's gonna need all the help he can

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