Re:  Judy Collins, Gary Z. said:

<< [snip]My understanding regarding her voice was that she either had
some throat problems and/or surgery, or something was wrong
with her vocal chords around the time of the albums produced
in the early 80s.  I thought she hit some pretty bad notes
on a few of those albums, and I kind of lost her.[snip]>> 

Gary, I think I remember reading something about that -- it's been so long, i 
don't remember the souce -- and didn't she also have an appearance on 
Saturday Night Live during this period of time of difficulties that was 
god-awful?  I was visiting friends in Florida at the time, late '70's or 
early '80's, and I'd stayed around watching the TV, just waiting to see Judy 
C., and she was *so* off-key, I groaned, turned the TV off and went out...

Anybody else remember when she was on SNL?  Was she as off that night as i 
remember, or was *I* off that night? (I'm frequently off...)



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