Hi Walt

You raise some interesting questions. I can't shed any
light on what's going on, but it wouldn't surprise me
in the least if drug companies wanted in on vitamins,
etc. I take Chinese herbs, prescribed by my
acupuncturist. They're pretty expensive as is...

And, in a related topic, I constantly debate the FDA
approval process. Especiall for drugs like Endostatin,
which could possibly help many cancer patients. On one
hand, I understand wanting to make sure a drug actually
works so that pharmaceutical companies aren't just
selling 'snake oil.'  On the other hand, for someone
with nothing left to lose, is it ethical to deny them
treatment that might help? (for example, if they don't
quite fit in the parameters of a current study) And, in
an odd twist, apparently a drug I was following was
recently pulled from studies because the company went
bankrupt! (The drug is IM 862 and it may be effective
against ovarian cancer and Kaposi's sarcoma, although
the second round of trials for KS were disappointing.)
The drug is apparently available in Russia.

And, finally (then I'll get off my soapbox) I don't
like prescription drugs being advertised on TV. I'm
inclined to think that controlled substances (that
includes tobacco and alcohol) shouldn't be advertised.
And does anyone have any idea what the new ad here in
the U.S. is for - it shows the planets and asks "Does
anyone know what's out there?" and answers "Your doctor
does." B.S.!!

lots of love

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