In a message dated 3/10/02 1:26:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< And does anyone have any idea what the new ad here in

the U.S. is for - it shows the planets and asks "Does

anyone know what's out there?" and answers "Your doctor

does." B.S.!! >>

Agree with all you said, and is there anything more annoying than those ads 
-- the ones like the one you mentioned, that sometimes give the name of a 
drug, or even just the drug company, and no clue as to what the drug is for?  
It's because if they say what the drug is *for*, they have to give the side 
effects -- i guess that was the rule the drug companies were forced to asgree 
to, in order to advertise on TV.  Hence all the *extremely* detailed and 
sometime unintentionally hilarious listing of side effects:
"Heachache/stomacheache/coldandorflusymptoims/diarrhea/etc/etc/etc".  lol.  
Oh, and "This drug is not for everyone -- se your doctor."  Gee, you think?

Hope you're well, Anne.  Drugs or no.  I'm literally sick from taking them, 
at the moment, but not quite ready yet to stop.



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