previously...on the JMDL:

>>I noticed that Rufus seems to be in high demand to sing in >>soundtracks 
>>of films. He did "Complainte de la Butte" in MOULIN >>ROUGE, Leonard 
>>Cohen's "Hallelujah" in SHREK, "Across the Universe" >>in I AM SAM and 
>>"Brother, Can You Spare A Dime" in ZOOLANDER.

Actually, wasn't it "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"?  In any event, all of 
those soundtrack covers (minus whatever the ZOOLANDER one was) showed up in 
concert.  All were amazing.

Covering songs for soundtracks is great way to pay the bills, I hear.  And 
it doesn't require you to write something the director might throw out after 
all of your hard work.

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