At the market I am next to an ex army man, about my age, who has Bi
Polar as well. His attitude is what mine use to be about meds. He isn't
on any. Yesterday was my first day working next to him. Within an hour I
wanted to kill him! he talks talks talks without a pause and jumps from
one thing to the next with no obvious thread. Of course I wouldn't kill
him and I feel for him. perhaps if I wasn't in the same boat it wouldn't
be so hard to deal with.

Well, now I know what my dear John and my good friends have had to put
up with all these years! I have indeed been loved.

My friend Thelma tells me that when manic i would telephone her about 6
times a day and each time I would tell her the same thing. This might be
over a period of several days. I asked her why she didn't lose it with
me. her reply was'what was the point? i know when you are manic and you
can't help it. telling you when manic wouldn't help. You don't know that
you have already phoned me 6 times!'

John says I would stay up all night talking to him and not even be aware
that he had fallen asleep!

Where these people get their compassion and strength from I have no

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80.


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