My friend Litza was telling me about a great professor she had at 
Sarah Lawrence. She told me that the professor told her something that stuck 
with her, "IN History, we have always eventually used the weapons that we 
have created, they never go untouched"
      It makes sense and it scares me thinking of the newer more powerful, 
pointless weapons that we and other countries have.
            When trying to argue about not having these type of weapons to 
some people I usually get the response, "What are WE going to do if they hit 
us?  We HAVe to have the biggest for our defense..etc etc.."
and "What! How can you be so unpatriotic!"  SO if blowing up other countries 
because they lie in an "axis of evil" is patriotic, I want to move to 
           These events sadden, frighten, anger me because initially, I felt 
that our retaliation to the Taliban was in the right direction, but as the 
lesson of what happens when power takes over, we just went over the edge 
with the "axis of evil" and becoming the sole fighters against terroism, 
when a year ago, we didnt care about fighting such cause...  It is as if, 
the events unfurl and the possibility of "getting the bad guys opens up" and 
the politicians eyes get big and they drool and go head first without 
          Okay, I am proabably over reacting, and I must apologize, I  am 
not a great political speaker and my thoughts are somewhat unorgainzed.
      Lastly, I was talking to a co-worker the other day and we were 
listening to NPR which eventually prompted him to say, "You know, its our 
goal to get rid of the bad guys, its called SUrvival".   I didnt say 
anything.. because that to me isnt Survival at all.. To me the real survival 
will come if we are attacked because our country couldnt keep their private 
parts in their pants.  The real survival will come when ocean waters rise 
and just THEN will the president be worried about the environment. I guess 
that what ticks me off the most, NO one thinks ahaed for the betterment of 
the human race.  It is all about  instant gratification.
      If any of you want to respond and or angry about what I said you can 
always email me privately. Again, I am just frustrated and felt prompted by 
everyone's discussions to say my own piece. I had no intent to insult 
anyone, but if I did, please tell me.
  NP: Accidents will Happen, Elvis Costello

>to all concern, i don't care if your a communist, capitalist, socialist,
>imperialist, democrat, or republican-----to advocate use of nuclear weapons 
>any yield is fucking INSANE!  if history has taught us anything you build a
>gun, the other side will build a better gun and sooner or later some 
>will use one of those guns.
>nuclear weapons will poison mother earth beyond our and our children's
>children's lifetimes.  you might as well believe in the "good fairy" if you
>believe that a "clean" nuclear weapon exists.
>we, the u.s.a. already have the most powerful military force ever seen on 
>earth.  why do we need more?
>i fought in the fields of nam and eventhough we had overwhelming fire
>power-------we never killed the spirit of the north Vietnamese and you guys
>know the rest of the story.
>so it doesn't matter if bush, clinton, eisenhower, or whoever said it.  THE
>if joni was on this list, i'm sure she would voice the same concerns.
>thanks gene

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