
Thank you for shaking the cobwebs out of my head.  Yes, of course, there
have been many, ever-evolving reasons why the U.S. has been involved in the
middle east over the years (I almost typed "muddle east" there - ha!)

> I think initially it was because the USSR was supporting militarily the
> regimes (Syria, Egypt, Palestinians' Fatah, Lybia, etc).  Later on the US
> became a whore and gave money to both sides, just as corporations finance
> both presidential candidates' campaign.

In general, the U.S. indiscriminately throwing money all over the place at
problems has been a huge mistake.

> One thing I'm sure of: notwithstanding all the good talk, it's all about
> power and money, they don't give a s..t about Europe nor Israel nor
> else.

But whose power and money?  If the U.S. hasn't obtained much of its oil from
the middle east for years, what would be the incentive?  The biggest oil
companies in the world are not U.S. owned.  British Petroleum now owns what
were the biggest U.S. oil companies - Arco and Texaco. I may be projecting
but I think the average American absolutely hates getting involved and mired
in the problems of other countries.


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