Dear Fred,

I am so with you on Alison Krauss! I could listen to her sing forever! She 
has a voice that comes out with such effortless beauty. Amazing!  Not meaning 
to slight Patsy Cline. She is a classic talent. Any singer has to recognize 
Patsy talent. However, Alison Krauss is definitely "down my alley" musically.

P.S....I've been noticing the return of the public to Bluegrass before and 
since the soundtrack of "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" It seems that with the 
cross over of many country artists into the pop mainstream there has been 
confusion by Country fans as to what was and wasn't country music. I just 
think that it is refreshing that the growing resurgence of Bluegrass music 
has taken Country music back to it's basic roots again. My opinion is that 
listeners will only allow their ears to be confused for a time before they 
decide to find a way to ground themselves again by choosing the music which 
speaks most to their hearts-whatever style it may be. 

In a message dated 03/14/2002 4:39:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I'm with you on Patsy Cline. I'd highly recommend Alison Krauss, too, with 
> and without Union Station.
> - -Fred

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