Hi all...
I too was at this concert, at the historic Wilshire-Ebell Theater in 
LA a week ago Friday.
Wow indeed.
His first real headlining tour, Rufus was more brilliant and vocally 
more perfect than I've ever heard him.  I was at 6 of the shows on 
this tour.
I too said 'hi' to Loudon in the lobby, when he got up during 
intermission to use, yes! the regular Men's RestRoom upstairs!  He's 
such a kick, and so funny.  He wouldn't tell me if he was going to 
join Rufus, Teddy and Martha on "One Man Guy" or not.
So  ... quel surprise! when he and his ex, Kate, joined their kids 
for the most amazing rendition of that Irving Berlin song.  You could 
hear a pin drop during the silences.  During the break...Kate played 
the piano, and Loudon and Martha did a little slow 2-step onstage 
behind Rufus, who smirked, thinking the audience was woo-hoo'ing for 
Jerome...you forgot to mention the final encore! after the family's 
"What'll I Do?", Kate and Rufus came back out.
Now remember, the historic Wilshire-Ebell has played host to many 
many amazing musicians over the years, including the late great Judy 
Garland.  So...it was with such wonderful and appropriate magic that 
Kate accompanied her son on the piano, as he sang one of, if not THE 
most beautiful version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" I have ever 
heard.  A lot of the audience had wept during "What'll I Do?" and ... 
we continued to weep during "Rainbow...".  What a night!  Such beauty.
One of the highlights was his outfit!  This suit! satin, and fitted 
matching jacket and pants, charcoal black with little white "#" marks 
all over it, with a satin shirt underneath of diagonal black and 
white stripes.  Gorgeous!
All of his Dreamworks Music label people were in the audience too, so 
the show was the most polished and seamless of any on this tour (I've 
been to 6).  Dame Edna Everidge was in attendance as well, 
since...she is now in the cast of the TV show 'Ally McBeal', and 
...on April 15, Loudon will guest appear as ....her LOVE interest! 
(Rufus said when he announced this factoid to us back east a week 
earlier: "so ...I guess my dad is gay after all.." <chuckle>. He 
loves to poke fun at his dad.

The 4 of them, Kate, Loudon, Rufus and Martha had performed "What'll 
I Do?" in New York, about a year ago, and also...at Kate's 
mom/Rufus's grandmother's funeral.  SO very touching!

For those of you with the capability, a friend of a friend took a 30 
second digital video with her cooler-than-cool digital camera, of one 
of Rufus' encores... him doing the song he covered for the film "Big 
Daddy", called "Instant Pleasure", which was absolutely fabulous (to 
use the "f" word).
Download and watch it from here:
It's a gem.

Rufus has oft named Joni Mitchell as one of his primary songwriting 
influences, and he too is truly one of the great singer/songwriters 
of our age, a brilliant young genius, in this fans opinion.  We'll 
hopefully see great things from him in the future.

I attended the 2 shows up here in San Francisco as well.  Kate 
McGarrigle made it to both of them.  Martha was the opening act for 
the 2nd show, and she is a fantastic chanteuse in her own right: 
truly amazing.  Rufus joined her on  one duet, and Kate joined the 2 
of them in a trio, of one of Martha's songs.    Martha just shines.

Encores here in SF included his first ever song, "Liberty Cabbage" 
about his ambiguous (or is it ambivalent?) relationship with The 
United States of America.  I *love* this song, coming from a gay 
person's heart as well.
Also, he and Martha did the French version of "Nights of Miami" 
(Nuits de Miami), which fairly brought down the house both nights.
The SF audience was 10 times more enthusiastic than the LA audience, 
and went apeshit many times, Rufus had to 'shhh..!' us and tell us to 
"stop already!" a couple of times.

Joni would have loved it (I wonder if she was at the LA show -  -  - 
many 'celebs' were slid in after lights went down...  and before 
lights went up)

Richard in San Francisco - still under the Rufus spell
n.p. - 'live' recording of Rufus and Martha singing 'Nuits de Miami'

>Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 00:24:21 -0800
>From: "Jerome ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Rufus Wainwright in concert (NJC)
>Hey all...
>   Just returned from a fantastic experience: Rufus Wainwright in concert.  A
>really funny and talented guy.  For a swishy fella, he has a surprisingly
>rabid following of young women.  Teddy Thompson was the opening act and was
>an absolute treat.  Teddy is a member of Rufus' touring band so he came back
>all of fifteen minutes after his set ended.  Also, I literally bumped into
>Rufus' dad, Loudon, in the lobby.  And Rufus' sister, Martha sings backup. 
>She's great, too.  Definite highlight was Teddy, Martha, and Rufus trading
>verses on the senior Wainwright's "One Man Guy."  As Rufus is so fond of
>saying, "Fabulous!."  Of course, nothing topped the set closer.  Rufus and
>Martha were joined by Loudon and mother Kate McGarrigle for a stunning
>version of "What'll I Do."  Wow.  Wow.  Did I say "wow" already?  Anyhow, if
>you know anything of Rufus and like what you've heard, check him out.  On
>more than one occasion, I found myself thinking that Joni herself would
>approve-even with all of her high standards intact.  If that doesn't sell
>it, I don't know what would.  Anyhow, that's all.  Hope everyone's feeling
>good. I sure am.
>- -J

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