Hi, Anne,

As part of a longer post, you wrote:

<< This is one of my pet peeves! I've ALWAYS voted, except
once when I was in the hospital a few days longer than
expected.  >>

One of my proudest days was in '91, when on election day, I was *also* 
serving jury duty -- two citizeny things on one day.  The sad thing was that 
day, I got pulled onto a jury for a juicy civil case -- only to find out, at 
the end of closing arguments, when I went to a pay phone to check my voice 
mail, that my lover had died that same afternoon.  Barely managed to avoid 
slumping to the floor (it was not unexpected, he'd been sick with AIDS for 
some time, but still).  The next day, the judge kindly and quickly dismissed 

I debated whether to post this to the whole list because, although I've 
always considered myself sort of lucky (no, really -- I discussed this with 
Wally Kai, who confirmed  astrological readings I've had done earlier in my 
life that I am rocked by things, but always bounce back;  only in retrospect 
does my life sometimes strike me as being occasionally a little over the top 
-- it sounds sort of miserable, almost implausibly so -- but it doesn't 
*feel* that way, most of the time).

I admire your sensible, peaceable input into the sometimes caustic political 
discussions.  Hope you're feeling okay.  Things are hectic here at the 
moment, as I'm sure you've inferred from some of my posts!  But I'm tougher 
than hell, and I sense that you are, too.  "Must be the Irish blood," to 
quote a poet. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day on Sunday, Anne and everybody, when we're all Irish. 



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