Hi, all,

I haven't been down there yet, but in case you're familiar with San 
Francisco's Wharf/Ghiradelli Square district:  The Cannery has burned down.  
I'm going to try to get down there today if I can -- my hands and feet aren't 
cooperating today, but I'm stubborn, and I'll make it down there before dark 
today.  Sad, sad.  Hope the rest of the area is okay -- I know it's touristy, 
but I still go there a lot to enjoy the view -- especially of Alcatraz from 
G. Square.  And I do so love the chocolate there!

Also, we were just discussing Sigourney Weaver the other day -- her dad died 
last night.  Sylvester "Pat" Weaver was a pioneer in TV -- involved with 
NBC's Today show from its inception, and was head or President of NBC until 
her retired.  I think they said he was 93.

And in a separate note to Mike Pritchard, I noted that there was brief 
mention of riot after an international economic meeting in Barcelona.  Hope 
he, and most of that beautiful City, are in one piece -- and *at* peace.

On a lighter note:  Had a pleasant moment on a city bus the other day.  It 
was dusk, late rush hour Friday evening, and the bus I was on was crushed to 
the frafters already, when a large group of kids, aged 13 to 15, got on.  
They were Arabic speaking, and whether by design or coincidence, all dressed 
the same (dark grey or black sweats, hooded jackets).  The thought must have 
crossed several peoples' minds (as it would any city-dweller's mind):  gang?  
Several of the other middle-aged people (besides me) were shooting nervous 
glances at each other. 

Well, I speak all of about 12 words of Arabic, but I did chuckle when one of 
the kids called to another, addressing him as "toothpick" -- in English (that 
had frequently been my nickname as a kid).  The kid looked at me, decided to 
smile back, and then asked me if i could tell him where the Kabuki Cinema 
was.  I swear, you could feel the whole bus relax.  I gave the kids 
directions, we chatted about what movie they were going to see (it was 
between The Time Machine and that Eddie Murphy-De Niro cop farce -- they 
decided on the latter), and when their stop came, I called out for the guys 
going to the Kabuki to get off (they were somewhat spread out throughout the 
bus).  They did, and as the last kid was getting off, I told him to cross the 
street, and there it would be.  Several of the kids waved at me from the 
street as the bus pulled away.

Happy and peaceful St. Patrick's Day to all,


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