<<Umm...last time I checked she was an artist and a singer/songwriter.
To try to say her interests lie in the business world would probably
get a big laugh out of her.  >>

I think the correct answer probably lies in between the two. Obviously Joni wasn't 
drawn into the music business solely as an entrepreneur, her muse and talent gave her 
most of the boost, BUT it's awfully naive to think that she hasn't been very business 
savvy from the start. Even in her earliest interviews and coffee-house shows, she's 
talking about making those royalty pennies, and her control of her publishing has been 

I also think its why her 80's work attempted to be more commercial and recapture the 
audience she lost with Mingus. After all, she supported WTRF with the biggest world 
tour she ever did.

Plus, I don't think Joni would be so angry with the music business unless she had a 
strong interest in the commercial viability of her work; she'd just release it & 
forget it (as some of her peers do). She's much more bitter about the commercial 
response (or lack thereof).

I don't mean this as a criticism of Joni or of her 80's work or anything...just an 
observation which appears to be suppoerted by her behavior.


NP: Elton John, "Rocket Man"

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