I seem to be forever destined to be surrounded by Hollies.  There's my
girlfriend Holley, I'm staying with another Holly in Asheville for a
couple of weeks, and we went to see Holly go Lightly tonight at Stella
Blue, a small venue in Asheville.  I had not been familiar with her but
apparently, she has released 20 something albums and has a big
following.  I thought she was great, had a really good sound, rather
sultry and entertaining.  She said pretty early on that a Monday night in
Asheville is better than a Sunday in Atlanta where apparently, she had
driven to from New Orleans, played and did not get paid.  So more and
more, I'm finding I'm not missing anything about Atlanta, except
friends.  This seems to be where it's at. Victor       --- Victor Johnson---
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Roses wait for the springtime,They sleep beneath
the ground.They hear March winds a callin'For the spring to come
around."vlj Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson 

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