>Seriously, as I said these are just issues which put me over the edge and I 
>felt you were missing
>my point.  Sorry if I came down to hard.

Hard?  Is there any other way?  I like your passion really and you did not 
come down too hard.  (I just cried for a couple of hours.....on and off)

> > >Well Bree, I just can't think that I have to bend over and take it as 
> > >"little"

TOO tempting.  (I'm slap-happy,it's  5:30am)

>I don't know what e-checks are.

In the state of Ohio it is mandatory that one take there car and get it 
checked for emissions (leaking) etc.  I suppose other states have this too.  
It's away for the state to get more money out of you.  IF you fail it you 
can't up to date license plates.

>It's nip & tuck till they're all gone Bree.

I know what you mean,I lost about 400 last night.  Seriously,I agree with 
you BIG BROTHER IS HERE.  And he ain't going no where!!

>Well you are correct, it is a part of Americana. But I personally, would 
>rather have our
>independence from foreign oil, and be more environmentally sound than to 
>worry about some of these

I too,(i'll duck with this one) what about a little off-shore drilling of 
the coast of CA?  Like I wrote a few posts ago, there is enough oil to last 
500 years.  I'm sure it could be done without disturbing the environment too 
much.  I think in that last post I wrote.. I said Alaska but I really meant 
CA.  Only a few hundred miles off.
> > >Oh and they are ugly!?  Is that really part of your argument?

YES, Again!!
>I think it was Anne who mentioned what a challenge creatively it would be 
>for engineers to tackle,
>coming up with a more aesthetically pleasing car - I agree .

Yes,this would be great.  I was only saying that *we* don't ever want to get 
to the place where the government mandates to car manufactures that they can 
only produce a certain kind of car.  Like the yucky  Yugo.  Remember that 
beauty?  (have you heard the song parody of the Yugo?  The guy that did it 
sings Elvis-like and uses the melody from "In The Ghetto"...."In The Yugo" 

>Hope we played nicer this time. Guess I got all my frustrations out at the 
>Blackhwaks game tonight
>- nothing like hockey to take care of that!

Hockey??  Now here is where we'll part company!

Be Good!!
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