> Hell from New Zealand!!!!!!!!!! For her wonderful logo #3! Hell will receive 
> a very special award for her winning entry at this year's Jonifest. Sign up 
> now, and you can see her receive the reward!! 
> Find the logo here:  http://www.jmdl.com/jonifest2002/logocontest.cfm
> Sign up for Jonifest 2002 here:  http://www.jmdl.com/Jonifest2002
> Many, many thanks to everyone that participated in the logo contest this 
> year. The one consistent theme to the votes was that everyone had a very hard 
> time picking their favorite because they were all so great!!

Me?!  I won?!  Oooooooooh!  OK, I'd like to thank everyone that voted for me, 
and Les and Ashara, and the Academy, and all my fans, and my parents, and my 
cat, and the man that sold me the pencil that created the picture, and the man 
that cut down the tree that made the pencil that....... I better stop before I 
do a "Gwyneth" and get all girly and start bawling.

Seriously, thanks to everyone that voted for "my" entry.  Ashara is right, the 
standard WAS very high, and I had trouble deciding as well!

Thanks again everyone!


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