hi kakki....it was a pleasure to hear of your interesting meeting with

sam feldman...

someday you're going to have to write a book about your


-------Original Message-------

From: Kakki

Date: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:15:10 AM


Subject: Re: on diana krall & joni's managers

Thanks for the article, Shane. I think Diana just keeps getting better all

the time and I'm knocked out by her "Look of Love." I was just reading the

latest Vanity Fair which has a not too flattering but interesting article on

the late Peggy Lee and I was struck at the resemblance between the early

Peggy and Diana. The article noted that two of Peggy's biggest fans are

k.d. lang and Diana. I am very happy for her success having read of many,

including Joni, praising her for being a truly nice person. An example

mentioned in the Post article is her donating half her proceeds from

corporate partnerships to charity. Joni's and Diana's management team are

good guys, too.

On the second night of the PWWAM taping, I found my assigned seating

location from the night before already taken up. (We were supposed to sit

in the same place both nights for filming continuity). One of the

coordinators told me to quickly sit in another place nearby. During the

intermission I was told that I'd taken Sam Feldman's seat and was shown him

sitting bleacher-style off to the side. I was just mortified! On my way

down the aisle I stopped to apologize to him and he was completely nice and

good natured and insisted that I keep his seat. I was very impressed by him

and his lack of the usual "Hollywood" attitude that I might have encountered

with some one else in his position.



you sang for me like the seagulls

in their homeless liberty

just floating on the dayspring

in their sighing daydreams...

-from 'sandefjord'


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