Sharon, Bee Lady and head-over-heels girl wrote:
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!  Spill the
girl!!! Details, details!!!!!!!!  :-D
Dear Ashara and Lori:

I AM head over heels in love and while I love my accordion (The Tart) my
passions are quite different with a special person I met a while ago. 
Really it is quite a short while ago...a mere three weeks.  

I had such a fabulous 17 year relationship with my Sheila and when she
died I did not think about ever meeting anyone again.  Over the three
years since her death I have met some interesting women but I would
quickly discover that they were not at all what I wanted in a
relationship. I also had told myself that most people never have the
wonderfully solid, deeply connected relationship that I had with Sheila
and if I had but that in my life I was indeed a fortunate person. That
notwithstanding, I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong
with me that I would not feel  connected romantically with women who had
expressed an interest in me.

All of this changed three weeks ago.  While at the Blue Moon Coffee Shop
our eyes met and I thought "This person is such a good person and I am
going to spend the rest of my life with her".  Now is that strange or
what? I have NEVER had that happen before. I also do not understand it.
I have never fallen in love at first sight.  

But it does not matter because we are in love and having a wonderful
It is so nice to feel connected and not be ambivalent...not see any red
flags...and have tons of fun...and both of us feeling the same way.  
Her name is Katherine.  She just turned 53...is my height...very
tall...about 5'3"...shoulder length hair (you know how us long haired
hippie girls love that) and is warm and so very kind.  There is a
goodness and appreciation for life that shines through her blue eyes.  I
like her.  She is an electrician AND she loves Joni.  We are coming to
the Fest together.  :)  

I have been really goofy since falling in love.  I arrived at a meeting
an hour early this week...zone out in conversations with people other
than Katherine...and have to 'return' to the conversation with a blank
look because I have no idea what was just asked of me or said.   

Anyway...this is all new and wonderful for me and I am ever so happy.

Love and Peace...Bee Woman

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