[For those of you not familiar with the World Weekly News, it's a 
surrealistic version of the weekly tabloid, making essentially no attempt at 
verification, as you can tell from the following...  Strange typos may be 
from the original, or from repeated forwardings.  Enjoy -- Walt]

World Weekly News

'Iraqi dictator isn't the man he pretends to be' By VINCENZO SARDI

PARIS -- Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein has split from his longtime gay lover 
after a bitter public spat -- and now the flamboyant dictator's ex-boyfriend 
is telling all the juicy detailsof the breakup!

"Saddam treated me like dirt," angry Terry Hammell, now 36, said in a 
world-exclusive interview. "He used me as a sexual plaything for years and 
then, when he decided I was getting too old, he tossed measide like some used 
Kleenex. He just broke my heart."

Spurned Terry cataloged his much-older lover's misdeeds, claiming that Saddam:

Forced him to dress up for bizarre "role play" games, including "Cellmates in 
a Turkish Prison," "Patient and Nurse" and "Sultan and Harem Boy." Subjected 
him to "daily bare-bottomed spankings." Made him work out four hours a day to 
maintain a lean, sexy body. Cheated on him repeatedly with hunky soldiers 
from the elite Republican Guard. Verbally abused him when he gained weight, 
mockingly calling him "my little sow." Infected him with at least three 
sexually transmitted diseases.French-born Terry says that when the 
relationship began well overa decade ago, he thought he'd met the man of his 

"I was just 25 at the time and I was flattered by the attention,"he says. 

"We would walk hand in hand in the palace gardens and make love onthe rooftop 
under the stars. Or sometimes we'd just take bubble bathstogether and watch 
old gladiator movies.

"It didn't bother me that Saddam insisted on staying in thecloset. I knew he 
had his macho image to maintain and I was contentto stay in the background."

But the romance began to sour as Terry hit 30 and started losinghis youthful 

"For a long time, I tried to ignore the lustful looks Saddam gavetroops on 
parade, and the rumors that he was sleeping with several ofhis handsome 
military aides," he says. 

But it became impossible to ignore the gossip when, in December,Terry caught 
the tubby, mustachioed despot romancing a rosy-cheekedyoung corporal under 
his desk.

That night, the sweethearts had an angry confrontation at a packeddiplomatic 

"I accused Saddam flat out of cheating on me -- and he slapped meright in the 
face," recalls Terry. "As I stood there, crying my eyesout, he called me a 
'silly @#$*&.' 

"He said he was the most powerful man in the Middle East and wouldsleep with 
whoever he pleased. I finally ran out, weeping." 

Fearing reprisals, Terry fled the country and has taken refuge inhis native 

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