> Am I the only one thinking this?. . . We probably should not use Joni's
> original drawing (from ladies of the canyon albumn cover)incorporated into
> our logo design for the Jonifest.

When the call first went out for logos, no mention was made of the need to
be "entirely" original.  I thought it was appropriate to use an image of
Joni, drawn by Joni, on an album of music by Joni, for a get-together of
people celebrating the life, art and music of Joni.

Then Ashara sent out the message about no copyrighted pictures, so I
immediately asked her to withdraw my first design.  I'd already done another
(the picket fence - Entry No. 4) but since I'd used no image of Joni, I
decided to do one more - Entry No. 8 - which (FYI) is entirely original.

I was surprised to see my original entry on the competition page, but Ashara
assured me that it did NOT breach the copyright laws.

If there are continued objections over the use of my logo, then I ask Ashara
to withdraw it immediately and go with whichever design got the second-most

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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