Guess I was a geek too and also found the song very close to home.  I was a
senior in high school when it came out.  I did go to the prom (or the version
of it there which was called a junior-senior banquet) and it was not much to
see or attend.  Consisted of eating and listening to the class prophecy.  That
was it.  No dancing, no music.  No fun.  Went both years.  Why?  Good
question.  Had a date the second year.  With a girl.  What a farce.  As for
the high school reunion; didn't go to the 10 but did the 20.  Glad I went.
Enabled me to get rid of a lot of that high school leftover garbage.  Just me
and one good friend from high school (who incidentally had lost all of
whatever I had loved about her and had become her parents), the popular kids,
and a few other people came.  Only 25 of 100 graduates came and it was amazing
to realize what a small few of our class held all the power back then.  80% of
those there were those folks and you can imagine where the rest of my
classmates were.   None had changed much and the great thing was that I
realized that I had.  No longer did I long for their acceptance or inclusion
into their circle for I had found that they were not anywhere near who or what
I wanted to be.  Most were still living in that little town and doing the same
things that their parents had done and none had expanded their minds to find
out what else was in there.  It was so silly.  They were on one side of the
room and we were on the other, just like high school.  It was hilarious.  We
thought they were so important and special, even if we did not admit it out
loud, and now they were just there.  I spent most of the time on the porch of
the hotel smoking cigarettes with the bad kids.  hehe.  So glad I went and
plan on going to the next one too.  Who knows what will transpire and maybe,
just maybe I will learn something more myself but the fear from those high
school years is gone.  I guess, like Suzanne Sugarbaker, I can now even find
the best in those people amd accept them for what they were and for what they
were not.


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