
Ok, this'll be my last TV posting for today.  I just watched a fascinating 
show on something I'd not heard about, but which i find extremely exciting, 
especially in view of the news just this week that there is solid evidence 
that the Chinese visited the Western Hemisphere quite a while before any 
Europeans did.

But there appears to be evidence that there was human habitation *long* 
before the first wave of human immigration from mainland Asia made it 
(slowly) down to the southern tip of SA (about 9 - 12 thousand years ago).  
There's evidence that there was human habitation about 40 thousand years ago 
-- and both cultural and even DNA evidence that these people came from 
Australia or thereabouts!!!  The culture of the Fueguians (named, I presume, 
after Tierra del *Fuego*) was still relatively unaffected into the early part 
of the 20th century, and some of the people from that last intact era are 
still alive.  In addition to DNA evidence, there are cultural similarities to 
aboriginal cultures.  This blows my mind, although I don't know why it 
should.  The more we dig, the more we'll learn.  Any other jmdlers heard 
anything about this?  This is the first I've heard of it.

TV isn't all wasteland. :-)


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