This past Saturday night, I was lucky enough to see Diana Krall at the 
Chicago Theater.  What a great place this is to see a concert - a vintage 
theater, that's been beautifully restored, and with just about the best 
accoustic in town.  

Diane put on a wonderful show, playing for about an hour and a half.  This is 
the first time I've ever seen her live, and I enjoyed her much more live than 
on recording.  While her records are beautifully done, they don't seem to 
take too many chances, and in my opinion, nothing on them come close to 
capturing the emotion she displayed performing A Case Of You at the Joni 

After reading how she was still performing ACOY in concert, I decided I 
absolutely had to go see her, if for no other reason, then to see her do this 
one song.  All night long, I sat back and waited for that one particular 
song, but I must admit, I was pretty damn entertained the whole time.  She 
stuck pretty much to her usual formula of old standards, but her and her band 
were more relaxed then they are on record, and they opened up the songs 
incredibly in the process.

But song after song went by, and still no ACOY.  When she left the stage 
before her first encore, I started to worry that she wasn't going to do it at 
all!  Upon returning, the rather refined crowd started throwing out 
suggestions, at which time, I couldn't stand it any longer and called out for 
ACOY.  She then said she was going to play something for the gentleman in the 
first row, who she felt she some how insulted earlier in the evening, and so 
to try and make things up to him, she played S'wonderful.  She then left the 
stage again, and so did about a quarter of the audience!  

I couldn't believe it - it couldn't be over already, but people were giving 
up and leaving.  Fortunately, there was a resurgence in the applause, and out 
she came again - this time alone.  

Again I called out for ACOY, amidst all of the other cat calls from the 
audience.  Peel Me A Grape was probably the most called for - one guy in the 
audience even yelled out "Peel Me A Grape, Baby!", at which time Diana just 
starred into the audience in total disbelief and questioned "Baby? Peel me a 
grape, BABY?!?"  It was pretty hysterical.

She then started talking about a very dear friend of hers, who was supposed 
to have been that night, but had to cancel because he was sick.  She then 
explained that she was doing a Breast Cancer benefit in NY with this person 
in a couple of weeks, and proceeded to play The Border Song by Sir Elton 
John.  It was a great version of a great song.  Elton is one of my all time 
favorites, so this was a very special treat for me.  But about half way 
through, I began to accept that this was the last song she was going to do, 
so I would not be hearing ACOY.

Still, The Border Song was incredible, and sure enough, after she finished 
it, she thanked everyone, walked off of the stage, and on came the house 
lights.  I sat there a little shell shocked, disappointed that she didn't 
play ACOY.  I decided that I would have to be satisfied with hearing The 
Border Song (and believe me, that was very satisfying!), and rose to my feet 
to leave.  

And then a very nice thing happened.  They started piping music into the 
theater, and lo and behold, it was Joni's orchestrated version of Both Sides 
Now.  I sat back down in my seat, with a big old smile on my face, and 
listened as BSN filled the theater.  As the song ended, I got up and 
proceeded to leave, completely content with the evening, even though Diana 
never played the one song I came there to hear.

On my way out of the theater, I decided to see what sort of goodies they were 
selling.  On display were a couple of T shirts, Diana's complete catalog on 
CD, two different posters, and a new DVD of her live in Paris.  As I was 
reaching to check out the DVD, a woman came rushing up, almost frantic, and 
asked which of Diana's CDs had that song they played while we were leaving 
the theater.  I perked up, and told her that was a Joni Mitchell song, Both 
Sides Now.  She then looked at me rather incredulously, and said she knew it 
was a Joni Mitchell song, but she wanted to get a copy of Diana's version 
that they justed played on the PA.  I then politely explained to her that it 
wasn't Diana, but Joni.  I then told her about the BSN CD, but she still 
didn't seem convinced.  Finally, another gentleman in the crowd assured her 
that I was correct, at which point she got a big smile on her face, said 
"Well I guess I know what I'll be buying tomorrow" and disappeared into the 
crowd.  What a perfect night cap to a very enjoyable evening.

Then, as I turned to leave, I remembered about the Live in Paris DVD.  I 
picked it up, and turned it over, and there it was - Song number 17 - A Case 
of You!  The final song on the DVD.

Needless to say, I plunked down my 30 bucks, grabbed my new DVD and headed 
for home.  An hour and a half later, I was in my basement, lights dimmed, 
candles burning, a glass of wine by my side, listening to the final encore of 
the evening - Diana doing another stunning version of A Case Of You!

When it was all over, I blew out the candles, crawled up to bed, kissed my 
wife good night, and fell fast asleep.

A beautiful night indeed!


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