> I think this was one of the themes -- the tossing away of things no longer
> useful

I didn't take it like that at all! It reminded me of the gladiators. public
executoons, the throngs of morons otuside courts.

>   worse still, the scene with Law and Osmond with the cartoon-like
> oracle),

I thought that was straight from tThe Wizard Of Oz and gave pretty much the same
sort of useful answers as that wizard!

> but the cavalier attitude of humans towards robots was a unifying
> theme, I thought.

This is what i don't get. They were robots, not human, they were mechanical. That
is it. No heart, no soul, nothing human. Fancy computers. My heart is not going
to break over a computer getting smashed to pieces.

It just occurred to me that maybe there was meant to be a comaprison or something
between people getting hooked into feeling for these 'poor robots' whilst real
people are being absued and beaten and 'fed to the corwd' daily and we just
ignore it.

>   I believe these beings were meant to be an advanced race of
> robots from the distant future -- also designed and built by whom?

didn't occur to me they were robots too. it did occur to me that their necks were
too long and thing to support their heads.

> .  The
> apparent sadness of the beings, and their compassion for this poor "old"
> robot (Osmond) were, I think, intended as ironic counterpoint/contrast to the
> callousness of the humans in the earlier scenes, who threw away intelligent
> (albeit constructed) beings as soon as they became old, useless, etc.

That is not how I read it all, for the reasons given preveiously-they were
machines, computers so whatever the behaviour towards them callous cannot be used
to describe it. They wre not 'real' beings. Fake. Totally fake. A trick. A

> Just my thoughts;  admittedly, I liked the movie, but I agree it was hard to
> understand,

Both you and Tyler obviously really appreciated this film, and why shouldn't you.
but niether of you have told us what it is about! Do you like to tease?!

>   But it did make sense to me.

so SHARE it please!!!!

I really enjoyed it from a visual piujtn of view and I hung in all the way to the
end hoping for a revelation which just didn't come.

btw the end of humans was ambiguous. It implied another Ice Age, which could have
,maybe not, ben our fault for the wya we live today. You know greehouse gasses

> Non-mechanical hugs to all,
> Walt

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