on Wed, 20 Mar, 2002, Willy the Shake asked:
>Are there any JMDLers out there in Melbourne?

   and Bob Muller replied:
>I know of at least one; Gerald McNamara, an incredibly nice guy, 

    now me:
I'm way behind in reading my digests, so I only just found this
and, while it's nice of you to say so Bob, try telling that to my
wife ! She called me all kinds of nasty names after I got home at
2:30  this morning. I blamed Wayne The Train Hancock - I went to
his show here in Melbourne last night and he played for over
3 and 1/2 hours. My friend wrote down the setlist - 58 songs.
Go hog wild !
Now, he's one person for whom I can't find ANY kinda Joni connection. 


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