I had this dream 2 weeks ago (and just wrote it down now) and thought I'd 
share it:

She was giving a very small concert in somebody's city house.

A small working class home.
Kind of like one that I lived in when growing up.

The concert was so small I think I only invited one or two friends.  It 
wasn't my house.

She may have been performing alone, I don't know. . .there was no equipment 
set up or anything.

People were coming in and it was raining out.

Everyone was bringing in water. . . it was all over the linoleum kitchen 

Joni and I were sitting at the kitchen table.  At first I had nothing to 
say, too scared.  No one was bombarding her or anything.  We were just 
sitting and watching people bring puddles of water in.

Before you know it, the kitchen floor was one big puddle.  There were kids 
around and I think one of them was crawling.  I said to joni "we should 
really get this water up."

I don't remember Joni's response or if she even had one. . . so I found a 
spaghetti mop (the kind I use).  It was worn and it had been missing half of 
its spaghetti!  So it was like I was using half of a mop.

I absorb the water methodically and squeeze out the mop each time in the 
bathtub.  The bathtub is now filled with water, the water is clean.

This all takes me a while.  I go back to sitting with Joni.  We start 
talking.  I am no longer scared for some reason.  We are again watching 
people arrive, everyone is comfortable with one another.

Joni and I start making philosophical jokes about the people arriving as we 
observe them.  Even though we are joking about the people coming in, we are 
in no way insulting them.  We are gently commenting and laughing.

It is a loving atmosphere (with the people).

Joni leans into me, she leans her head into mine, and puts her hand on mine, 
in a loving friendship way.  Her hand is big (and of course, accomplished).

That's it.

Dreams are so real. . .  sometimes I think they could be an alternative 


Was anybody else at this house concert?


Hey, you never know.

NP: bugs in my house that I can't seem to get rid of.  Ladybugs and Box 
Elder bugs.  :) :) :)


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