An article about Joan Baez ran in the New York Times today.  I thought some of you 
might be interested.  I'll copy an excerpt here and post a link to the whole piece on 
the Times site.  You might have to register to read it though.  It's free.  


April 9, 2002

Joan Baez Remembers High Times, High Stress

ALEXANDRIA, Va. b The voice from the audience echoed in the hall like a shout across 
time. "Kumbaya!" it called out from the dark.

At center stage, looking fit and petite, her salt-and-pepper hair clipped short, Joan 
Baez let out a giggle of surprise. She gazed at the sea of heads, many of them 
silver-haired, filling Town Hall in Manhattan, a stop on her recent tour of the 
Eastern Seaboard. "The only places I'll sing that," she said drily, "are places that 
are currently under siege."

Days later, at a gig here in Alexandria, the crowd pleaded for more old stuff. " 
`Forever Young'!" they cried. " `Diamonds and Rust'!" 

Ms. Baez, who is 61, smiled. "Soon," she said to the last request, riffling the pages 
of a notebook on a music stand. She didn't disappoint, remaining onstage for the 
better part of two hours, singing a lot of new material but making a much deeper 
impact every time she reverted to one of her standards, like "Joe Hill" or "The Night 
They Drove Old Dixie Down."

It is clear that her fans, who grew up with her clarion soprano on their stereos and 
tape decks and who remember her as an era-defining presence at antiwar demonstrations 
and civil rights marches, are more nostalgic than she is. Even if she likes to remind 
audiences of her activism b "Just remember, 40 years ago I was right" b Ms. Baez 
says she does not recall the 1960's particularly fondly.

Read the entire article at:

patrick wrote:

sharon came by the office today and told us this amazing sequel.  she's
working on a project concerning joan baez.  she contacted baez' people to
clear it and has commissioned a guitar concerto based on baez songs sharon
chose, with a title song sharon chose.  the piece is well along.  when baez
played in new york recently, one of the folks asked sharon if she wanted a
ticket and a backstage pass.

she saw the concert, went backstage, a group of people were waiting to meet
joan, and someone said, 'aren't you sharon isbin?'  paul liberatore
introduced himself and sharon said ' oh, you're the one who wrote that
terrific feature and review.'  they began chatting as they waited.  sharon
asked if he knew baez, he said yes, she asked if he'd handle the
introduction (they hadn't yet met during the project discussions), he agreed
but joan met sharon with a hug and they all went to the dressing room and
had champagne.  so it was a great experience so far.

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