did you go to the concert yet, and if so, how was it?


Well to be honest the general consensus is they seemed tired, and not as eager
as last time to
make a great first impression.
Still good but not a memorable concert if you know what I mean.
Much fewer jokes than last time. The funniest part was he kept pulling out of
his pocket one of those
travel dictionaries and was talking in phonetic French.
My pix should be good though, I still was front row center.

Ryan was hanging out in the hall before the show hoping he wouldn't be
recognized and of course he was.
So I got a pix authographed.  I asked him why there's such a contrast between
the garage rock concerts and the intimate acoustic ones and he said it depends
on his mood.  Very nice guy.
The band hung out in the hall after the gig too.


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