Well, Chrissie was a bit intoxicated and was yelling out during Joni's
performance which needless to say, everybody wanted to hear. Chrissie
                          was sitting right next to me and I asked her
to be a little quieter. No one else would have dared say that to her,
but me, stupid me, didn't know it
                          was Chrissie.

                          She started choking me in a loving way,
saying: "you're great too Carly, get up there, you need to do this too".
Very nice, the only problem being
                          that it was right in the middle of Joni's song
and people were looking at US. So I moved seats. That's all it was
about. I must say that her choking
                          me in 'fun intoxication' looked to a lot of
the audience like a fight. It was not. I just couldn't believe that no
one was interceding and saying anything
                          to her. I love her music and respect her as an
artist. It was just one of those things. Go figure. Love Carly Carly
Simon - 4/10/02

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