Laurent said "The commentator concluded with: "What if the rest of the U.S. declared war on New Hampshire?".
I know this is a very serious subject, but I had to laugh at this one. I can't guarantee that the rest of the U.S. would win - except everyone would probably get bored with fighting, decide to go skiing instead, break their legs on some icy White Mountain slope, and go home. And, going back to the original Joni quote, she actually says something rather profound in "don't we get bored." In a certain sense, violence is a somewhat abstract form of entertainment for the general American public, I think. (movies, tv...) Sure, there is violence in the U.S., but to not the scale or for the reasons in other areas of the globe. (Yes, these are generalizations, and there are always exceptions...) Plus, we actually aren't very good, as a nation, at holding a grudge. The news anchor said apologetically the other night "Just one more item in the Middle East briefing..." Kind of like "we'll move on to something more interesting in a minute." Like how to lose weight faster, or something. I'm thinking of another Joni quote "land of short attention spans." We want to flip the channel, this conflict is repetitious and there's "no cease fire in view." It's "just more bang bang, ketchup color to" us. But it's not quite "more Twentieth Century Fox" because there are not characters to follow, no great plot line, and there's no end in site. I'm actually not saying all of this is bad. Even after 9/11, I think we're kind of naive in an innocent sort of way. (Another generalization, I know...) lots of love Anne