I don't know if any of you on the jmdl are on any
other strange and wonderful discussion lists, too -
- for interests and passions that might not be to
everyone's taste   - musically, that is!

Sometimes I read a post - where I know the
writer is not trying to be funny - but for some
reason - maybe because I'm British? - a couple 
of sentences within a paragraph will just do me in.

I experienced this one this morning - (I'll leave you
to guess the name of the list):


"Me and Skeeter went down to Roxboro to see 
the Lonesome River Band at the Curvy Theatre.  
Couldn't figure out what that thing hanging out of 
Hartgrove's britches was, but everytime he 
touched it he smiled a little bigger.  Half way 
through the show Skeeter noticed that there 
was a wire running to it and it looked like it 
was connected to his ears. Whateveer it was 
he kept messing with it and smiling and it 
shore made his fiddle sound better." 


eeeee! I needed that!

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