Hello again!
I was just looking for a little bit of guidance from the JMDLers as I'm
coming to a crossroads in my life. I'm just about to finish my university
degree and really want to go and live in a different part of the world for a
while. I've narrowed it down to Canada or the U.S (I'm too lazy to learn
another language i suppose!) and I just wanted to know how easy it is to get
work (i.e bar work, waitering etc) and cheap temporary accommodation in West
Coast cities like Vancouver and San Francisco? I suppose San Fran would be
best for getting work in a gay bar (not that I'm limiting myself to that but
I think my accent might swing it a little!) but I'd marginally prefer
Canada. Obviously I'm aware I'll have to get a work permit etc. I'm going
out to Los Angeles in May anyway to stay with a friend for a short while,
and I'm going to get an open return so I can either stay out there and get a
job or come back to the U.K. Any advice from anyone?

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