Ken in SF said:

Subject: Sex Kills

Geez, I never realized that this song was so disliked! >>

Hi, Ken and everybody,

I sort of have a theory, and I guess it's time to bounce it off you folks -- 
I've always preferred Joni's songs that are about personalities, feelings, 
observations perhaps, but gentle ones -- as opposed to her angry comments on 
the ills of the world.  Somehow, for me, both her tune writing, and the level 
of her lyric writing seem to, I don't know, slip a bit, or get out of 
control.  Maybe this is why a fair number of jmdlers didn't like most of DED 
-- but *did* like Beautiful Dreamer and Lucky Girl; Ethiopia had a nice tune, 
but of course the lyrics are painful to hear -- as was, I guess the intent.  
Shiny toys might have made a good dance number, without lyrics.  All of the 
"public criticism" songs seem to be less eloquent to me.

As for her tune-writing, I sort of agree for the most part with Fred -- she 
has occasional flashes of brilliance, but she's less likely to take chances 
like major-to-minor shifts and chromatic progressions.  She still uses these 
things, of course -- in the title song to TtT, the bridge show a nice 
chromatic slide downwards -- but they seem fewer and farer between.  I'm 
working on Gift(s) of the Magi now, and what a challenge!  The key of the 
song seems to change almost every second -- the tune sounds almost Eastern 
European!  And I never fail to be amazed by the scat part of I Don't Know 
Where I Stand -- a marvel!

Now, she seems more likely to use arpeggios of one kind or another, sometimes 
to good effect, but what's happeneed to all those delicious black keys and 
their unexpected occurences?!

Who knows what drives her internal music machine?  Maybe, as at least one 
person has suggested, recording the BSN album got her thinking about more 
adventurous tune-writing, ditto with recording some of her older songs that 
will appear on "Swan Song", or whatever she actually ends up calling her 
(please) soon-to-be-released album.

Just some thoughts

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