rev, i've been deleting all these middle east emails,
but i read yours--because you usually always have
something of merit to share. 
this post reaffirmed that feeling for me.
and am i the only one who thinks sending clinton is 
a BRILLIANT idea? 
i'm glad you're back. i value your presence here.
take care,
alison e. in slc.
np: npr

--- Vince Lavieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Demonizing the other side leads to more violence.
> > If Bush had a coherent view that he could hold
> day to day, rather
> than the new day new policy stuff we have been
> getting, he would appoint
> Bill Clinton as special ambassador to the Middle
> East; 
> Unless Bush thinks beyond his narrow little good vs
> evil blown by the
> events of the day confines

not likely.

> (the Rev) Vince
> > PS Yes, I am back.
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