Hey dudes, sorry for the njc, but I wanted everyone to see this, so please
forgive me, eh?
Mullerman is coming to the Big Apple and he's set aside his Saturday night to
hang with us for a while. I was thinking maybe we could all meet at the
Living Room, 84 Stanton Street, say 7PM???

> Located in Manhattanbs Lower East Side, on the corner of Stanton and
> the Living Room offers both musicians and audience members an intimate and
> comfortable atmosphere combined with a state of the art sound system.
> http://www.livingroomny.com/

and admission is free, just a one drink minimum per show!
so whadaya say? Kay, Patrick, Debra, Nikki, Gregg and anyone else is sure
welcome to join us.
any other ideas?

> The lineup for Saturday night......

7 McGowan
8  Danny Schmidt
9 Greg Fine
10 Johnny Cuomo
11  Blue Umbrella
12 Ana Egge

> Saturday Apr 27, 2002
> <A HREF="http://webtunes.com/results.cfm?Dates__BandName=Ana%20Ege&";>Ana
> <A HREF="http://webtunes.com/results.cfm?Dates__BandName=Greg%20Fine&";>Greg
> <A

rose from nj

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