I also think Sherelle's CD is fantastic, as I said a long while ago when I 
first heard it. AND..........Lieve had a GREAT idea!!! Sherelle would very 
much love to go to Jonifest this year, but is having a challenge making it 
work financially. What if everyone that received her wonderful demo CD and 
has SO enjoyed being able to play it over and over again donated whatever 
they felt they could towards the Jonifest scholarship fund *IN HER NAME*???? 
These special donations would be held aside separately towards getting 
Sherelle there. Her greatest desire is to collaborate musically with other 
list members.

So......if you are so inclined to do this, please make the check out to:
"Ashara Productions, LLC"  and please make sure to include a note specifying 
that it is to go in Sherelle's name. (Or if a certain percentage is to go 
towards Sherelle, mention that as well.)

Of course, any and all donations are greatly appreciated!!

Please send to:

Ashara Productions, LLC
40 Parsonage Lane
Topsfield, MA 01983

Also, please note that May 1st I will start to award scholarship/work study 
money. Please get your pledges in before then if possible so I can see what I 
have to work with, and if you "need" scholarship money, please make sure you 
have filled out the forms and have your deposit in by that date.

Thanks!!!!!! And thanks to Lieve for the GREAT suggestion!


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