Hi -

I just watched my copy of "Shadows & Light" the other night, and
it includes the entire skating sequence (during "Hejira"). No other
cuts..."Edith" is on there, as is Jaco's solo. I bought the DVD
about 6 months ago when I spied it in a local CD store. It's a 
European import. Great quality, though some of the video aesthetics
of the time are a bit amusing. You should be able to order this.
Perhaps someone knows of an online source?


>Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 04:22:02 -0400
>From: "S.M. Roque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Bree, we got the short end of the S&L VHS stick...
>Bree gave me an excuse to watch my Shadows & Light video, since I couldn't
>remember seeing Toller skating with Joni.
>Well, my 60 minute long, Warner Home video of S&L, videotape edited by Rich
>Thorne at Pacific Video Industries, claimed to feature Toller in the
>credits, but the only hint of skating on the tape comes during "Coyote" when
>you see Joni and her ice skates getting into a sports car.
>I am also disappointed that this version of the video claims to feature
>"Edith and the Kingpin" on the box, yet we jump from "In France They Kiss on
>Main Street" to "Coyote".
>I am happy to have bought the LP version of S&L way back when, who woulda
>thunk that versions to follow would choose to edit out so much: no solo for
>Don on CD or VHS, no Jaco solo on CD, etc...

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