So this has all caught my attention.  Thank you Fred for writing:
>But this wasn't crap TV, and possibly you should care about Ms. O'Donnell. I know 
>that my opinion of her zoomed way up learning that her unflagging efforts to overturn 
>Florida's archaic law against adoption of children by gay
>parents seem to now be paying off. Two state senators have introduced a bill to void 
>the law, and her very visible activism, both on "crap" TV and in several full page 
>newspaper ads, had a lot to do with this. I applaud her,
>and wish every celebrity would use their fame as effectively for social good.

Then Lindsay said:
>bravo to her for what she's done for gays.  

Ouch!  Lindsay, I don't think you get the point here.
She is advocating for the children.  I think she would be just as active if it were an 
couple having children taken out of the home, etc.

Am I the only foster parent on this list?  Well, speaking
from 14 years of fostering experience, the system sucks.
If Rosie can use her celebrity status to bring about
a change for the better, then I say go!  

I understand your feeling of being sold a product...
after all, isn't that what celebrities do?  But I
feel that it is purely coincidental that her book
release and this incident have occured simultaneously.
If anything, maybe people who represent her pushed up
the book deal, etc.  You see what I am saying.

Rosie has been a driving force raising money and awareness
of the foster care system in this country.  I applaud
her efforts.

Off my soapbox and out to a snowy Monday morning...


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