I'm jumping in here without reading the whole thread
(my email appears 'backwards" when I get it.)

> Erica wrote: 
> > I've noticed that when a new jmdl brings up an
interest in
> > discussing a lyric or 2, often people respond with
> > beaten this one to death", "This is an old
subject", or "go
> > to jmdl.com and look up our discussion in the

Well, I myself am WAY too lazy to go look it up, so I'd
never tell anyone else to do so. Besides, I like the
continued discussion.
> > I thought my membership on the page was going to be
> > deleted when I dared bring up "your notches,
> > doll" eeeeekkkkkk!!!!! ooooowwwwweeeeeee!!!!.

I STILL don't get that line, and until I do, I'd like
to see the discussion continue daily :-)

lots of love

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