Emily Gray Tedrowe wrote:

> Colin wrote:
> > thank you. Who is the new knitter? me or you? I have been knitting
> > sincechildhood and seriousl;y for 18 years now....just never
> > thought I was
> > any good.
> now me:
> i'm a new knitter!  i'm working on a scarf, which is woefully
> raggedy and oddly shaped, but still, i imagine that once it
> is wrapped around my neck no one will see all the mistakes!
> i do love knitting though...hope that time and practice
> will improve me.

practice will improve you of course. a knitting machine will be quicker
tho! Apart fromt hat you will be able to all sorts of things, not just
quick 'hand knitting'. They are two different crafts really. You can do
thinhs by machine that are impossible by hand and do things by hand that
you can't do on a machine. Of course machines are not really portable
and a bit difficult to use and watch tv at the same time. Mind you I
can't hand knit without looking at my hands anyway so watching tv is
moot. or is it mute?

> congrats again on the publishing of your own knitting work...
> i'm feeling rather chuffed FOR you!  :)
> -- emily

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