I have mentioned before that i can remember 24 digit numbers and passwords etc but can't rememebr what id di yesterday or to set the reorder or dates in history etc.
How about this: I have listened to Joni and Carly 000's of times and can sing along whilst listening to the cd, and in the case of Carly, will sing all the lyric accurately. However, when not listening, i cannot recall the 'tune' or the words, bar a few that stick in my mind. I could of course learn the lyric by rote. But i couldn't then sing with it's tune without the cd playing. Why when I have listened to the same damn song 000's of times since i was teen? weird. yet John can almost play by ear. He has this really annoying habit of sinning along to a song he is hearing for the first time! I have to hear it many times before I can. I tell a lie-i can sing Twisted with no cd playing and recall most of t lyric. No comment please. -- bw colin DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270, Passap 6000, Duo80. [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.tantra-apso.com